Title: The Jaguars, Browns, and Jets Set to Light Up London in 2025
The National Football League (NFL) has confirmed that the Jacksonville Jaguars, Cleveland Browns, and New York Jets are set to play in London in 2025, as part of the NFL’s International Series. This announcement is exciting news for UK-based American football fans, who eagerly anticipate the return of these thrilling games to their shores.
The NFL’s International Series, which began in 2007, aims to grow the sport’s global audience by staging regular-season games outside of the United States. London has been a regular host city since the series’ inception, with games typically held at Wembley Stadium and Tottenham Hotspur Stadium.
The Jacksonville Jaguars have been frequent participants in the London games, having committed to playing one home game in London each year from 2013 to 2020. The team’s owner, Shahid Khan, also owns Fulham F.C., a London-based soccer team, which strengthens the Jaguars’ ties to the city. The Jaguars’ 2025 game will mark their return to London after a hiatus caused by the global pandemic.
The Cleveland Browns and New York Jets, on the other hand, have had less exposure to the London crowd. The Browns have only played once in London, back in 2017, while the Jets made their London debut in 2015. Both teams will be looking to make a strong impression in their return to the UK.
The NFL’s decision to bring these three teams to London in 2025 is part of a broader strategy to expand the league’s international presence. In addition to the UK, the NFL has also staged regular-season games in Mexico and Canada, and there are plans to expand into other markets in the future.
The exact dates and opponents for the Jaguars, Browns, and Jets’ London games have yet to be announced. However, fans can expect a high level of competition and entertainment, as all three teams will be eager to showcase their skills on the international stage.
The NFL’s London games have traditionally been well-received, with sell-out crowds and a festive atmosphere. The 2025 games are expected to be no different. UK fans will have the opportunity to see some of the NFL’s top talent up close, while American fans will enjoy the novelty of seeing their teams play in a unique setting.
In conclusion, the announcement of the Jaguars, Browns, and Jets playing in London in 2025 is an exciting development for NFL fans worldwide. It reaffirms the NFL’s commitment to growing the sport internationally and provides a unique opportunity for fans to experience the thrill of American football in a different context. As we look forward to 2025, one thing is certain: London is set to be lit up by some thrilling NFL action.